Hand tapping in Bali is a kind of traditional tattoo that is not using any electrical machine. This tattoo method only uses a stick made from the wood, animal bones or bamboo with a needle at the end of that stick. After that, that stick with a needle will be hit or tapped with another stick to create a tattoo pattern. The tattoo artist will be not worked alone because usually he will be accompanied by a skin stretcher to stretch the client’s skin so that a tattoo can be made maximally.
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Maybe, you want to try this hand tapping in Bali. It is so easy for you to get this service on several tattoo shops in Bali, such as in Kerobokan and in the southern part of Bali. They can do the hand tapping process professionally so that the tattooing can be done safely. If you really want to make a tattoo, it is for sure that you are usually having an inspiration, especially for the design and the area where you want to make your tattoo are. However, to ensure that you will not regret everything related with this hand tapping in Bali, below are some considerations and tips that you have to understand.
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A tattoo artist from Sang Bleu London, Maxime Pleschia Buchi always says to his clients that they are must be 100% sure that they want to have a tattoo, even though there are other people who don’t like or disagree. The tattoo is an irrational thing so that there will be not any strong reasons even for a justification. So, if you even have only a little doubt, it is better for you to cancel the hand tapping in Bali or another kind of tattooing methods.
Some people maybe will find and choose a design first and then look for a tattoo artist to make a tattoo for them. Anyway, it is not the right thing to do because before you decide what design or picture that you want to have is, it is better to choose a tattoo artist first. You can get a recommendation from your friends, families, from a forum, or from someone whom you trust. In addition, you can also find some references from social media like Instagram for finding out the masterpiece or collections had by a tattoo artist. For the hand-tapping tattoo method, there are so many tattoo shops that offer hand tapping in Bali. The question now is that why choosing a tattoo artist is more essential than deciding the picture or tattoo area? It is because you need to decide first about the aesthetic value owned by a tattoo artist and consider whether it is in line with your desire or not. If you like the results made by a tattoo artist, you have more possibilities to be satisfied by the result made by that tattoo artist.
A hand tapping in Bali will create a tattoo that sticks on your body forever, except if you want to erase it with the laser method or maybe another method that is available now. Think about what kind of picture and design that you want to have, but also make sure that you don’t have too much consideration to only make a tattoo. Most of the tattoo artists recommend that you have to choose a design that is closely related to your feeling and make sure you will love it all the way.
If it is possible, it is much better for not duplicating a tattoo just like what other people have (included the celebrity) because that design is not coming from your heart. It triggers more possibilities that you maybe regret it someday. Well, getting inspired is not prohibited, but don’t imitate it. The hand tapping in Bali can give you a wide variety of tattoo design whether it is the modern design or the traditional one. The traditional design can be closely related to the Balinese culture or the culture of your hometown.
Sometimes the chemical substances contained by the makeup kit such as lipstick and eye shadow have similarities with those on the tattoo ink. If you had any problems with those two makeup kit, it is better to cancel the hand tapping in Bali tattoo or other kinds of tattooing methods. The allergen can trigger a negative effect on your body.
It cannot be denied that the good and beautiful tattoo is usually having the expensive price. That is why; it is better for you to not only make the price as the only consideration in choosing a hand tapping in Bali. It is better to do some researches first about some tattoo shops and the prices that they have. After that, you can compare everything such as the result, price, services, and more to choose the best service for you.
Before you decide to create a tattoo in your body, it is better to visit a tattoo shop where you want to do a tattooing process. By doing this you can have communication with a tattoo artist about everything. You will able to know how the artists will do a tattoo in your skin, the ink that they use, and more. You can also see how good their service is and do they do everything properly or not. In Bali, you can find so many tattoo shops that offer the hand tapping in Bali. You can visit those tattoo shop and choose one based on your own liking.
Those are some considerations and tips that you must have if you want to do a hand tapping in Bali or other kinds of tattoo methods in Bali.
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